EOHSI Research on the World Trade Center Tragedy

The September 11th attack on the World Trade Center (WTC) was an unprecedented event in several respects. The worst being the large number of lives lost on this horrific day. Another was the environmental onslaught brought on by the raging fires, collapsing buildings, clouds of dust and smoke, physically treacherous conditions, and the burning rubble and jet fuel. Through the UMDNJ-School of Public Health and EOHSI's NIEHS Center for Environmental Health Sciences, faculty members were called upon early on by the NY/NJ Port Authority to serve as advisors on the environmental and human health impacts of the tragedy.

While EOHSI faculty members continue to serve as advisors, they are also conducting research on the environmental and occupational health aspects of this event.

EOHSI Research


Members of the NIEHS Center's Community Outreach and Education Program have developed a website with environmental health information for the public.

Environmental Health Effects of WTC


For additional information on WTC, Anthrax, General Biodefense, Bio-Terrorism

Links To Sites For Additional Information