Analytical Cytometry / Image Analysis Core Facility
The Analytical Cytometry/Image Analysis Core Facility is located in the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute (EOHSI, rooms 346 and 347), the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy (rooms 003 and 503) and in the Cancer Institute of New Jersey (CINJ building in New Brunswick); all locations operate under Dr. Laskin's direction.
The overall purpose of the Analytical Cytometry/Image Analysis Core Facility is to provide access to expert assistance with various techniques in flow cytometry/cell sorting, image analysis, and confocal microscopy.
The specific objectives of this shared resource are as follows:
1. To provide members with a powerful array of analytical cytometry and image analysis techniques.
2. To provide members with expert consultation in experimental design to optimize data generation.
3. To provide members with expert consultation in data analysis, presentation, and publication.
To use the facility or to schedule an appointment to discuss experiments or for a demonstration, call 732-445-0211